I’m not the perfect parent. Looking back, there will be things I’ll wish I had done differently, moments I can never get back. But, there is one thing I’m fighting with every breath to provide: a slow childhood. It’s not easy. Busyness feels like the new baseline for modern families, and we tend to wear it like a badge of honor.
Unfortunately, it’s our children who suffer most when we’re afflicted with the disease of being busy. It manifests in their world as developmentally inappropriate practices, chronic stress and lack of joy.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. We have the power to say enough and give our children one of the most important gifts of all, time.
Time to play.
Time to get dirty.
Time to make mistakes.
Time to explore their own ideas at their own pace.
Time to ask questions.
Time to run, jump, dance and move!
Time to sleep and rest.
Time to “mess about” and experiment.
Time to process and release their emotions.
Time to get bored and daydream.
Time to connect with nature.
Time to discover and ease into their own rhythm.
By honoring our children in this way, I am hopeful that they will be much more patient and kind with themselves and others. When the stress and pressures of adulthood inevitably surface, I hope something in their hearts whispers, give yourself time.
I created this art piece to hang in my daughter’s room as a constant reminder for both of us to be gentle with ourselves. If the message speaks to you, this print is available so you can share with your children.
Get the 12 x 18 print here
Have questions? Contact me at nicolette@wilderchild.com.
Your Woman Gone Wild ,

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Hi Nicolette!
Where would you recommend having the print printed?
Hi Emma! If you purchased a print at the link above, it would come to you as a physical print. I’m sorry, there is not digital version available right now. Let me know if you have any other questions – thank you so much for your interest.
This print would be so great for those in office, making decisions about schooling, children, and (reasonable expectations). Maybe you could make one to say, “Give them time”. Great for kindergarten teachers and all teachers too.
YES!! I love what you have to say. We are in the midst of changing our lives so that we can give our children what you describe. It has been a wonderfully hard journey! 🙂 But, I am starting to see the fruits in our children and it makes my heart sing. I love your art and I love your blog! I think I may have found a kindred spirit.
I love this in so many ways! I feel such pressure and competition from certain family members about our girls vs their kids. We’re not involved in sports or this or that or the other. We’re not constantly running off to pick up or drop off the kids at one of their many extracurricular activities. Instead we’re home, together, reading, laughing, talking, or just being.
I ordered your print. It will go perfectly in my new office, dubbed The Butterfly Room because I’m decorating with butterflies. Thank you for making it available!
Wow, Nicolette! I love every word you say, so clear and simple and short and to the heart point. I feel so inspired by having just discovered you. Thank you for this amazing work of soul and art you are sharing.
Hi Nicolette,
I love this print and am hoping to order it for my mom as a Christmas gift. Is there nay information available in regards to how quickly it can be processed/shipped?
Thank you!