I can’t believe that it’s already time to announce the Second Annual Wilder Child Mud Bake Off! To kick it off, my daughters and I created some mud doughnuts and a mud cake topped with elderflowers and creeping charlie. Now it’s time for your family to get “baking” with nature!
Mud pie making is one of our favorite things to do outside. The goal is to have your children create a “baked good” of their choice using mud and other natural elements from their environment. This annual competition is all about getting dirty, learning about nature and having fun!
Don’t worry about getting it perfect, the winner will be chosen randomly from all the entries. This is more about the process than the product.
1. Create a mud dessert (pie, cake, cupcakes, brownies…bring it!) using only natural materials.
2. Take a picture and upload your creation to Facebook or Instagram and tag it with #mudbakeoff.
Complete the above and be entered to win 1) a rain suit from Oakiewear 2) a “Dirt” shirt from The Little Adventurer Shop 3) and a pair of rain boots from Crocs
The Mud Bake Off ends Wednesday, July 5rd at midnight, so get out there. I can’t wait to see what you bake!
Your Woman Gone Wild,

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Hi there, Is the prize available in the UK? I will enter a picture even if it isnt. My childminding children love creating pies in the nature kitchen.
Okay where have you been hiding my entire life??! So glad I found you haha!! This is absolutely amazing!! Love the idea ❤️
Wow! This is so great! I was born too soon.
Yesterday a friend and I were brainstorming about an imaginary festival we called “Dumpster Days.” Seems like it might have possibilities for teaching from an ecology stand point? ( recycling to reduce dumpster content, composting, etc.) How about a competition to decorate dumpsters? Since they are about the ugliest objects we use. And how about turning a dumpster into a playhouse? Many shared ideas got us laughing, but seriously…where could mankind go with this idea?
This is such a cute idea! Unfortunately, most of the “dirt” around my area is mostly sand! Hahaha! I would have loved to have done this as a child! ♥