Yes, I am obsessed with Fall leaf activities and games. Today was a beautiful sunny, windy day so The Wild Child and I headed out to sit beneath the big yellow Maple tree.
As we sat there playing with the leaves, I bent a stem up, poked a hole in the leaf and hooked it to the top. I looked over at Cora and she was holding a stick – bam leaf fishing was born!
It ended up being a great fine motor skill activity, not to mention the fact she spent almost half an hour ( a lifetime for a toddler) catching all kinds of different “fish”.
Materials You’ll Need
– Leaves
– A stick
Let’s Get To It
1. Make a big pile of leaf “fish” by bending the stem up to the top of the leaf, poking a hole and pushing the stem through to the other side of the leaf. It should naturally secure itself. See a few of my fish below:
2. Have your littles try to hook the end of their stick under the bent stem and deposit them in a bucket.
If two or more children are playing, you can turn it into a game by seeing who can catch the most leaf fish in a certain amount of time.
To make it at little more authentic, I might pre-cut leaves into fish shapes next time. But for now, this was just too easy 🙂
Hope you catch some keepers!
Your Woman Gone Wild,

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